PHINUG July 2018 Dev Session
July 26, 2018I was invited to be one of the guest speakers in Philippine .Net Users Group Monthly Session, It was my first time in PHINUG as a speaker and looking back I used to attend to their events a lot as an audience and dreamt of being the person in front talking someday.
Earlier this year Microsoft has shipped ASP.NET Core 2.1. This is a powerful release that includes the real-time communication library SignalR, updated templates to make GDPR compliance easier, and updated SPA templates for Angular, React and React + Redux.
I did a talk about the features of SignalR and the latest updates that are included in SignalR 2.1, I showed a list of possible uses of SignalR and some of the examples I gave were (Weather Forecasting, Chat Messaging, Games, Whiteboard, etc.), I showed them how to get started with SignalR using plain Javascript since the latest version of SignalR removed its dependency with JQuery.
I also did a demo on how to add Authentication and Authorization with IdentityServer4 to have a secure connection with SignalR and also showed them how to combine it with Angular in creating a Single Page Application (SPA) with real-time updates.